Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Updated prayer request for the week...

Nothing new to report this week, but I wanted to post the prayer requests:

1. PRAISE for supportive people who call and e-mail "just to check in," send cards, and post comments to this blog. You make us smile, and we thank you!
2. For one of the doctors (or more) to agree to give us a second opinion while consulting with us on the phone.
3. For complete healing for our son during this pregnancy (we will ask for the moon since God made it anyway!).
4. For strength, guidance, and wisdom as we face treatment choices and decisions.
5. For good physical health and restful sleep for Bill and Lisa. This has been an ongoing problem, especially for Lisa.
6. For God to show us the way financially so we can provide the best medical care for our son.
7. For the strength to let this child go home to God if it becomes obvious that this is God’s answer to our prayers.

1 comment:

Mr.Jeff said...

Hello Lisa and Bill,

Incase you don't know this is Mr. Jeff from the CDL haha. Adrian King gave me your blog address, which i had been asking about quite frequently. As hard as it seems to understand i know what your going through. On April 30th 2004 i was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma Cancer. I've spent a lot of time at Vanderbilt Childrens hospital. I went through 9 months of chemo 35 days of radiation. And then a year later i had a relapse, and had to go through 3 cycles of ICE chemo, a Stem Cell Transplant, and another 35 days of radiation. I know that the only thing that has gotten me through that difficult time in my life was Prayer and Faith. During my darkest hours is when his light shown the brightest. If you want i have written a few papers about my experience with Cancer. I would be more than happy to share them with you, because thats what we are here for. We are here to love each other and hold them up when they need it. I hold your Jelly Bean up high in my prayers. I pray that God's will be done.

My love and prayers go out to you,
Jeffrey Cummings