Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We have a C-Section date!

Wow! What happy news! Liam will be here August 9. It's so nice to have an official date when we know we will KNOW exactly what we're facing. I guess that's one advantage to knowing in advance you'll have a C-section: There's reduced worry about going into labor at an inconvenient time (although clearly that could still happen) and you can prepare in advance for your baby's arrival.

It has been an extra-crazy week here so far, which is why I didn't post an update yesterday. Those of you who are praying for us, please add Bill's dad to the list. He was admitted to the hospital on Friday night with pneumonia and has since had a heart attack and congestive heart failure. He seemed to be doing better yesterday and we are hoping he was moved out of ICU to a private room last night. I'm hoping to go check on him in a little while. He will be having more tests and procedures tomorrow to determine how much damage the heart attack did to his heart.

Next week is a big week for us: We will be having the 34 week fetal echocardiogram done at the pediatric cardiology lab on June 28. We are really looking forward to hearing how Liam's little heart is developing, and we are hoping and praying for good results!

This week's prayer requests:

1. PRAISE for supportive people who call and e-mail "just to check in," send cards, and post comments to this blog. You make us smile, and we thank you!
2. PRAISE that Bill's dad appears to be stablizing and recovering.
4. For complete healing for our son during this pregnancy (we will ask for the moon since God made it anyway!).
5. For strength, guidance, and wisdom as we face treatment choices and decisions.
6. For good physical health and restful sleep for Bill and Lisa. This continues to be a big problem, especially for Lisa.
7. For God to show us the way financially so we can provide the best medical care for our son.
8. For the strength to let this child go home to God if it becomes obvious that this is God’s answer to our prayers.

Bill and Lisa


Anonymous said...

I already have Aug. 9 on my calendar. June 28 was the one I was looking for; I was thinking the next echo was going to be in June. I wanted to put it on the calendar and pray hard. Will you know on that day what the doctor's interpretation of the echo is or will you have to wait? I'm sure you'll post it as soon as you know, so I'll be sure to check.

Liam rocks!


Max's Family said...

That's exciting to have a date set! We'll be praying for the echo.