Thursday, October 9, 2008

Post Surgical Update 10/9 3:35 PM CST

Liam is out of surgery. We talked with the surgeon a few minutes ago and then headed to the computers to update the blog, etc. because we can see him for another hour or so. So far, so good--he has come through with flying colors. He'll spend some time in the PACU (recovery) and then we'll head up to the PICU. Right now we're just waiting for him to wake up. They were planning to try to extubate and get him off the vent immediately, but they warned us not to be surprised if he heads to PICU still on the vent because the babies who have had this surgery often need to stay intubated over night (the heavy anesthesia required supresses breathing pretty significantly). If he fails the first try, they won't try again until tomorrow morning. He had to have 2 1/2 units of blood and will likely need more tomorrow, so thank you to all of you blood donors out there!

We continue to do well--we even caught a small nap in the waiting area after lunch today.

In Christ,
Bill and Lisa


Anonymous said...

Hey guys!! Thanks for the update! I pray things are going well still. Yall keep looking up because I guarantee God is looking down on you! I love you all and wish you the very best!! I will check back later to see Liam's progress!!

Lorie Watson

Unknown said...

Lisa, you have been on my mind a lot, and I just remembered your blog. I just saw a story about this surgery on the news last night. I'm glad that things went well and that Liam is progressing so well. I love the pictures of him drinking from a cup, he's a doll!!!
Hugs! Jill (ohmyhannah from Carolyn's)

Anonymous said...

Glad that Liam is doing well. I'm thiking of you guys and still praying. Sorry I missed your call earlier. I will keep checking here to see how he is doing.

Barbara (and Ralph and kids)

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I continue to be uplifted by your faith and humor during these trials. I sent out a prayer request for Liam and I'm glad to see that the power of prayer continues to be strong. You have a lot of people supporting you, Bill, and your little man. I have faith that Liam will have a great recovery. I'm looking forward to the day he's old enough to ask important questions like "Do fish sleep?" :)

Anonymous said...

Glad he came through the surgery well, and will be praying for the recovery to go smoothly. I hope you and Bill are able to get some sleep tonight....


Anonymous said...


I think of you and your family often. Sending prayers that Liam's recovery goes as well as possible. {{hugs}} Jeanine (aka Zanne from Carolyn's)