Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update 10/11 at 1:15 PM CST

Liam continues to do very well. They were able to take out his arterial line this morning and his eyes have started to open a bit. We're looking at being released to a regular room either late today or early tomorrow depending on how he does, what beds are available upstairs, and how crowded the PCCU gets. I think neurosurgery would be fine if he was released to a regular floor anytime now. Plastics wants him to stay in the PCCU until his eyes are open and they'd like the drain to come out of his head before they send him up, as well. We'll see who wins. Pain control is going well and we've been blessed with excellent nurses, so we have a lot to be thankful for right now.

Keep praying!

In Christ,
Bill and Lisa

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