Thursday, October 9, 2008

Update 10/9 at 8 PM

I need to type this one fast because shift change on the PCCU is almost over, which means I can go back to Liam soon. Bill and I have been out for dinner for the past couple of hours so I'll be glad to get back to Liam.

We FINALLY were able to see him around 6 PM for a brief period of time. They were settling him into his room, so we didn't stay long. Just long enough to kiss his feet (it's the only visible part of him that doesn't have a tube going in or coming out right now) and say hello. He was zonked out, so I don't know that he knew we were there. He has reportedly been awake once and fussed at them for messing with him, so they gave him pain meds to make him comfortable.

He failed the first attempt at extubation but that's fairly common at this stage, so no one worry about that. We'll try again in the morning.

I've been up since 4 a.m., so I'm wiped out and would like to get some sleep. I'll post as I am able tomorrow, so keep checking for updates!

In Christ,
Lisa (& Bill)

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